by Maximilian Arndt | Aug. 1, 2023
David Garrett UNLIMITED Tour ______________________________ Papilio Entertainment: Concept, Direction, Choreography, Creative Producer Client: RTK Roland Temme Konzertveranstaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Country: Germany, Switzerland, Austria Year: Premiere 2018...
by Maximilian Arndt | July 31, 2023
350 YEARS OF MERCK ______________________________ Papilio Entertainment: Direction & Stream Direction Customer: Merck KGaA and Jazzunique GmbH Country: Germany Year: 2018 Overview ; Merck KGaA & JazzuniqueThe company's history as an exciting journey through time: The...
from Club owner | Oct. 18, 2021
Badesalz Backstage Safari ______________________________ Papilio Entertainment: Idea, Direction, Creative Producer, UI/UX Design, Production Management, Content Management Organizer: Jahrhunderthalle Höchst, Badesalz & Papilio Entertainment Country: Germany Year:...